I'm Maarij Haroon, an aspiring financial data analyst passionate about leveraging data to drive smart business decisions. I bring strong analytical abilities to extract and communicate compelling insights from complex financial information.
I have skills in financial modeling, data analysis, data manipulation, and visualization through coursework and hands-on experience.
I am proficient in SQL, Python, Power BI, and Excel to gather, organize, analyze, and visualize financial data. I leverage these technical skills to automate financial models, combine datasets, identify trends and patterns, and produce interactive dashboards to bring numbers to life.
Feel free to browse my online portfolio showing projects I have worked on. I welcome any feedback and opportunities to collaborate with professionals to continue developing my skills in supporting data-driven business insights.



Need a data analytics expert? I'm here to help businesses leverage data to optimize processes, uncover insights, and drive growth. If you have a challenging business problem that requires analytical thinking, let's connect! Email me at [email protected] or connect on LinkedIn. I look forward to helping you unlock the power of your data.

perform data cleaning and data analysis. build an interactive dashboard for technical insights. use xlookup,coutifs,sumifs,pivot charts, and tables.

Transform and process survey data by using Dax and Excel to ensure data completeness and validity. then make an interactive dashboard for technical insights.

a portfolio optimizer that helps user to obtain optimized portfolio based on risk and returns of stock. key libraries that I use are pandas,numpy,matplotlib,yfinance and scipy

use SQL to clean and transform Nashville housing data.
Alter, update, substrings, set, order by, where, joins, on, windows. These are the important functions that I used for that project.